This week my fantastic Reception Class and I returned back to school after months of lockdown and home learning. Whilst there were children who bounced into the classroom, it was only natural that there were also children who were struggling with feelings of anxiety and worry. It was going to take some adjustment to get back into the school routine. Even the children who seemed excited about the return could well be experiencing a range of emotions beneath the surface.
Acknowledging these emotions as a teacher is important and alongside play, my go to resource is books. Books are brilliant prompts for starting to ‘sort through’ feelings and can lead to further creative opportunities that allow children to make sense of their emotions and experiences. Expressing experiences through book characters or acting out stories allows children to bring to life their own original experiences in a more manageable and less intrusive way. With this in mind I have compiled a list of the books I used that will hopefully help your little bean and their return to school

If you have had children return this week, well done, I know it can’t have been easy but remember it’s only natural that the transition back is going to take some adjustment and time. Of course, books are just one way to help ease our children back but I hope this helps in some way.

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