One of the magical things about picture books and actually books in general, is when characters take hold of us and become more than simple creations on a page but actually become real and enter our hearts. These then usually become the stories that we end up reading again and again. Well, this is definitely  the case for me.

Children’s book characters are extremely clever devices. They are relatable, fun, flawed and they teach moral lessons for life. It is wonderful to watch young children make a new friend in the pages of their favourite stories. However as adults we too can feel a special attachment to characters. I don’t think you ever forget your favourite character from childhood. Mine, for instance is Winnie the Pooh. He offers wisdom, friendship, empathy and encouragement. He embodies all the characteristics I would want in a friend and his words are often a source of comfort. Pooh Bear is  also a lasting character for me, because I don’t think I fully appreciated him until I grew- up! Only now do I value the lessons on life, love and friendship that he has given me.

1.  Form solid and lasting friendships.

2.  Take pleasure in the simple things in life.

3.  Be creative in solving problems.

4.  Embrace your individuality.

5.  ‘Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering’

6.  Love deeply.

7.  Allow yourself frequent treats.

8.  Keep things simple. No judging, no over-thinking, no attempting to fix and solve everything.

9.  That ‘It’s more fun to talk to someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?” ’

10.         To treat adversity with positivity.

He never was and never will be just a silly old bear to me and will continue to capture my heart and mind.  I wonder which character captures yours?

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